Privacy Policy





※2:当社グループ施設とは、ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ、ココ ガーデンリゾート オキナワ、アオアヲ ナルト リゾート、吉祥CAREN、つるや吉祥亭、吉祥やまなか、かがり吉祥亭をいいます。



  • (1)お客様からお預かりする個人情報
    • ①基本情報(氏名、住所、性別、生年月日、国籍、電子メールアドレス、電話番号、バスポート番号等)
    • ②関連情報(記念日、嗜好、アレルギー等)
    • ③支払情報(クレジットカード番号、銀行口座番号等)
    • ④施設サービス利用状況(宿泊、アクティビティ、商品購入履歴等)
    • ⑤連絡内容(電子メール、ウェブサイトのフォーム入力内容、手紙等)
    • ⑥当社のサービス提供に関連してお客様等から直接または間接に提供された情報
  • (2)お取引先に関する個人情報
    • ①ご担当者氏名、携帯番号、役職等
    • ②その他業務遂行上必要性があったため取得した情報
  • (3)採用/求人に関する個人情報
    • ①応募書類に記載されている内容
    • ②採用選考および入社手続のために行われる面接、電話、電子メール等の内容
  • (4)従業員および役員ほか当社構成員に関する個人情報
    • ①前掲(3)の情報に加え、給与振込の為の銀行口座、健康情報等、就労/雇用に関する法令および社内規定に従い、必要な情報
  • (5)当社ウェブサイトの閲覧により自動的に取得される情報
    • ①端末情報、ログ情報、クッキー、匿名ID、位置情報、IPアドレス等
  • (6)セキュリティシステムを使用して自動的に取得される情報
    • ①防犯カメラの映像、カードキー使用履歴等



  • (1)お客様の個人情報
    • ①お客様にサービスおよび商品を提供するため
    • ②お客様に予約確認や問い合わせ対応等を行うため
    • ③旅行手配における関係先(旅行代理店等)または外部業者(クレジットカード会社、航空会社等)に対して、契約上の義務を遂行するため
    • ④当社商品やイベント等に関する案内状や電子メール配信のため
    • ⑤懸賞やキャンペーン等の実施、サービス向上を目的としたアンケート送付のため
    • ⑥当社会員組織における会員情報の管理および会員に対して行うサービス提供のため
    • ⑦インターネット広告配信事業者を利用した行動ターゲティング広告の配信を行うため
    • ⑧商品サービスの向上、改善、開発を目的として、利用状況の把握/行動分析を行うため
    • ⑨法的義務および法令または行政当局の通達・指導などに基づく対応のため
    • ⑩緊急事態や事故、災害等の対応のため
    • ⑪上記目的に関連する業務のため
    • ⑫その他、個人情報取得時に別途明示した目的のため
  • (2)お取引先の個人情報
    • ①当社事業に関連するサービスや商品提供を目的とした、お取引先との契約の締結、履行、委託およびその他必要な業務の遂行のため
    • ②その他、個人情報取得時に別途明示した目的のため
  • (3)採用応募者の個人情報
    • ①採用選考および入社手続きに関する契約の履行、その他必要な業務遂行のため
    • ②問い合わせ・資料請求などに関する対応のため
    • ③その他、個人情報取得時に別途明示した目的のため
  • (4)従業員および役員ほか当社構成員の個人情報
    • ①給与の計算・支払および関連する業務のため
    • ②当社構成員に対する安全、人事、労務、福利厚生管理およびそれに関連する業務のため
    • ③その他、個人情報取得時に別途明示した目的のため



  • (1)お客様等から直接の取得
    • 当社グループ施設の予約もしくは利用、当社グループ施設のウェブサイトにおけるアカウントの作成、アンケートへの回答、抽選もしくは懸賞への参加、当社グループ施設が提供するサービスの申し込みまたは利用、採用や業務上のやり取り等において、電話、書面、名刺、口頭、ウェブサイト、アプリなどを通じて、個人情報を取得する場合があります。
  • (2)お客様等の機器および当社グループ施設のネットワークからの取得
    • お客様等が当社グループ施設のウェブサイトまたはその他のコンテンツを利用する際に、クッキーおよび関連技術を使用してお客様等の機器全体から個人情報を自動的に取得する場合があります。
  • (3)お客様等から正当な権限を授受された企業からの取得
    • 当社グループ施設を利用するため、お客様等が契約を行い、当社グループ施設が選定した以下のような企業から個人情報を取得する場合があります。
      お客様等が支払に利用するカード会社 など
  • (4)公表情報からの取得
    • 新聞、インターネット(SNS含む)、電話帳、刊行物およびその他書物等から、個人情報を取得する場合があります。
  • (5)上記以外から、お客様等の個人情報をご提供いただく場合には、その目的および内容を明確に案内した上で、必要最小限の取得といたします。



  • 漏洩、不正アクセス、紛失、破壊、改ざん等防止に関する必要な予防措置と安全対策
  • 情報管理システムの定期的な改修
  • 安全な組織体制の整備
  • 個人情報の取り扱いに関する社内規定および具体的なルールの策定、継続的な見直しと改善
  • 定期的な教育訓練による内容の周知徹底
  • 個人情報を取り扱う機器や設備に対しての物理的な安全措置
  • 個人情報の委託先に対する適切な監督(契約書に安全管理について明記する等)
  • ※SSL:当社ウェブサイトは、暗号化技術のSSL(Secure Sockets Layer)を導入しています。お客様等が送信される個人情報やクレジットカード番号は、SSLによって自動的に暗号化され、仮に通信中に第三者の目に触れることがあった場合でも内容を読み取ることができないようになっています。ただし、これにより完全なセキュリティ環境を保証するものではありません。



  • ご本人の同意がある場合
  • 当社が明示した利用目的の為に当社グループ施設と共同利用する場合
  • お客様等にサービスを提供するため、明示した利用目的の範囲で委託先に提供する場合
  • 利用動向や提供するサービス向上を目的とする調査分析のために、個人を特定できない統計情報の形式で第三者に提供する場合
  • 法令等にもとづき提供を要請された場合
  • 人の生命、身体、精神、財産、公衆衛生等の保護のため緊急に必要な場合であり、お客様等の同意を得ることが困難な場合
  • 国または地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が公的な事務を実施する上で協力する必要がある場合で、ご本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障をきたすおそれがある場合
  • ご本人から明示的に第三者への開示または提供を求められた場合
  • 合併等による事業の継承に伴い、個人情報管理権が移転した場合



  • (1) 共同利用の範囲
    • 当社グループ施設
  • (2) 共同利用の目的
    • 「2.取得する目的」に規定する目的
  • (3) 共同利用する情報
    • 「1.取得する個人情報の種類」に規定する情報
  • (4) 共同利用の管理責任者
    • 株式会社エイチピーデイコーポレーション



8. クッキーの使用について


9. 個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止等の手続きについて


  • (1)書類郵送先(窓口)
    • 住所:〒904-0416 
         ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ 経理宛

  • (2) 必要書類
    • 請求書
    • 本人確認書類
    • A:以下からいずれか1点のコピー
    • B:上記Aの書類をお持ちでない方は、以下のいずれか2点のコピー
    • 請求書
    • 本人および代理人確認書類(上記AもしくはB)
    • (「法定代理人」による請求の場合)
    • (「任意代理人」による請求の場合)
    • 委任状
    • (郵送による返信を希望される場合)本人限定受取郵便にて返送金額分の切手
  • (3)当社からの回答方法
    • 請求書の回答希望先に記載の住所に郵便(本人限定受取郵便)またはメールにてお送りいたします。
  • (4)注意事項
    • 記載や本人確認書類、手数料等に不備がある場合は、請求書に記載の「当社からの連絡先」へ、その旨をご連絡します。ただし、通知より2週間を経過しても再請求が無い場合、ご請求は無効となります。その際受領した書類および手数料等は返却せず、当社にて適切に処理いたします。
    • 必要書類の印刷、コピー代、本人確認書類等の取得費、郵送料など、開示等に関する諸費用はすべてご請求者様のご負担とさせていただきます。
    • 開示等のご請求により当社が取得した個人情報は、開示等の手続きに必要な範囲内でのみ利用いたします。なおご提出いただいた各書類は返却いたしません。当社にて適切に処分いたします。
    • 本請求による保有個人データの開示により問題が発生した場合、当社は責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。

10. 仮名加工情報





11. 匿名加工情報




12. 第三者のウェブサイトまたはアプリケーションにおける個人情報の取り扱いについて


13. プライバシーポリシーの改定について


14. 個人情報に関するご相談、ご質問等お問い合わせ窓口

    • 〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3425-2
      ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ 経理宛




2. クッキーの種類と目的


    • 必須クッキー:
    • ユーザーのログイン状態の維持
    • ショッピングカートの管理
    • セキュリティ設定の保存
    • ページナビゲーションの支援
サービス名 ツール提供者
Google Tag Manager Google LLC
Trust 360 Priv Tech株式会社
YouTube Google LLC
    • 解析クッキー:
      当社ウェブサイトがどのように利用されているかを把握するためのクッキーです。各ページの訪問者数、一回のアクセスでどれだけのページを移動したか等の利用状況や、エラーの有無を把握し、当社ウェブサイトの継続的な改善に役立てます。この目的のため、当社はGoogle Analyticsを使用しています。お客様等のアクセス状況を、Google社が収集、記録、分析し、その情報を元に、当社ウェブサイトの品質の向上を行います。Google Analyticsにより収集、記録、分析されたお客様等の情報は匿名で処理されているため、特定の個人を識別する情報は一切含まれませんが、広告配信等に利用されることがあります。
サービス名 ツール提供者
Google Analytics Google LLC
    • マーケティングクッキー:
      外部の広告配信サービス提供会社によって設定され、サイトへのアクセス情報やログイン時の属性情報などを記録し、お客様等の興味関心に応じた広告を配信するために使用されます。このクッキーが個人情報を直接保存することはありませんが、Google、Meta、Yahoo JAPAN等お客様等が同社の登録ユーザーである場合、ウェブサイトの閲覧履歴が、同社のお客様等の登録情報に紐づく形で管理されることがあります。本クッキーが作成する情報については、外部の広告配信サービス提供会社の規定に従い取扱われます。本クッキーをブロックすることもでき、ブロックした場合は、ターゲットを絞らない、より一般的な広告が表示されるようになります。このクッキーにより収集される情報は、外部の広告配信サービス提供会社のプライバシーポリシー等の規定に従い取扱われます。
サービス名 ツール提供者
Google広告 Google LLC
Facebook広告 Meta Platforms, Inc.
LINE広告/Yahoo!広告 LINEヤフー株式会社






    • 〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3425-2
      ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ 経理

1. はじめに

私ども「ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ」(以下「当社」)は、お客様のプライバシーを尊重し、お客様の個人データを大切に扱うことをお約束いたします。

  • 当社ウェブサイトにアクセスいただいた場合。(詳細は3.1をご参照ください。)
  • 当社サービスの予約など、商品・サービスをご利用いただいた場合。(詳細は3.2をご参照ください。)
  • 当社の潜在的なお客様であると判断された場合。(詳細は3.3をご参照ください。)
  • 当社のお取引先である場合。(詳細は3.4をご参照ください。)
  • 当社の求人にご応募いただいた場合。(詳細は3.5をご参照ください。)

株式会社 エイチピーデイコーポレーション

2. 定義


3. お客様の個人データの利用について


3.1. ウェブサイト訪問者の個人データの処理


3.2. お客様に関する個人データの処理






当社は主に、お客様から直接提供された個人データを処理します。 当社が収集する情報は以下のとおりです。

  • 識別情報
    • 氏名
    • 電子メールアドレス
    • 生年月日
    • パスポート・身分証明書情報
  • パーソナル情報
    • お支払い情報
    • 電話番号
    • 予約情報
    • 請求先住所
    • クレジットカード・デビットカード番号
    • HPD 会員情報
    • ご予約履歴
  • センシティブ情報
    • アレルギー情報
  • 会社関連情報
    • 会社住所
    • 会社名
    • 会社電話番号



受領者 データ所在地 第三国への移転の法的根拠
1 クラウドサービス事業者 アメリカ合衆国 十分性認定
2 ホテル向けソフトウェア運営事業者 日本 十分性認定
3 販売業者 日本 十分性認定
4 法務コンサルタント 日本 十分性認定
5 税理士 日本 十分性認定
6 予約システム事業者 日本 十分性認定
7 旅行代理店 日本 十分性認定
8 ツアーオペレーター 日本 十分性認定
9 オンライン旅行代理店 日本 十分性認定
10 マーケティングサービス事業者 日本 十分性認定



目的 法的根拠 受領者
契約関連業務 契約の履行 1-3, 6-9
ダイレクトマーケティング 正当な利益 10
メールマガジンの配信 同意 10
債権回収 法的義務の遵守 4-5
税務的、法的義務の履行 法的義務の遵守 4-5


3.3. 潜在的なお客様に関する個人データの処理




  • 識別情報
    • 氏名
    • 電子メールアドレスやその他の連絡先情報


目的 法的根拠 受領者
お客様との連絡 契約の履行 -
3.4. サプライヤーおよびビジネスパートナーに関する個人データの処理

お取引先に該当するお客様の個人データは、ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワとサービスに関する契約の履行のために処理されます。
これには、ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワの商品を販売する販売パートナーも含まれます。これらの個人データの処理はお客様と当社との契約の履行を目的としています。



    • 氏名
    • 会社住所
    • 会社名
    • 会社での役職


受領者 事務所登録地(国名) 第三者国への移転の根拠
1 税理士、公認会計士 日本 十分性認定
2 弁護士 日本 十分性認定


目的 法的根拠 データ受領者
業務提携 契約の履行 1
債権回収 法的義務の遵守 2
請求 法的義務の遵守 1


3.5. 求職者に関する個人データの処理


    • 契約締結(雇用契約の締結)先立ったデータの処理のため。
    • 当社の法的義務の履行(社会保障制度への従業員登録)のため。




  • 識別情報
    • 氏名
    • 生年月日
    • 性別
    • 電子メールアドレス
    • 住所
    • 電話番号
    • 顔写真
  • 職業または雇用に関する情報
    • 職歴
    • 学歴
    • 語学力


目的 法的根拠 受領者
応募 契約の履行 -

4. データの安全管理


5. 個人データの処理に関するお客様の権利



  • アクセス権 - お客様の個人データがどのように処理されているか、またそれに関する情報(処理の目的や保存期間など)の確認を得る権利。
  • 消去請求権または「忘れられる権利」 - 当社が法的義務を遵守するために個人データを保持する必要がある場合、または裁判が進行中である場合など、個人データを保持する正当な理由がない場合に、お客様の個人データの消去を求める権利。
  • データポータビリティの権利 - お客様が当社に提供した個人データを、現在使用可能で自動読み取り可能なデジタル形式で受け取る権利、または技術的に可能であれば、お客様の個人データの新たな責任者となる事業体にお客様の個人データを送信することを要求する権利。
  • 訂正請求権 - 住所、付加価値税、電子メールアドレス、電話番号など、不正確な個人情報の修正または当該情報の提供を要求する権利。
  • 自動化された意思決定に関する権利 - プロファイリングのための個人データの処理が、完全に自動的(人の介入を伴わない)であり、お客様に対して法的影響が及ぼすか、またはその他重大な影響を及ぼす可能性がある場合にお客様が有する、法律に定められた場合を除く自動的な個人データの処理の対象とならない権利、当社による意思決定に人が介入することを要求する権利、自動化された個人データの処理に基づいて行われた決定について意見を表明する権利または異議を申し立てる権利など、お客様の権利および自由、正当な利益を保護するための適切な措置を当社が講じることを要求する権利。
  • 同意を撤回する権利・異議を申し立てる権利 - 法的手続きの際の権利保護など、お客様の利益、権利、および自由に優先される正当な利益がない場合(例えばマーケティングを目的とした個人データの処理を行う場合)に、個人データの処理に対していつでも異議を申し立てたり同意を撤回したりする権利。
  • 制限権 - お客様の個人データの処理を制限することを求める権利。お客様は以下を求めることができます。
    • 処理の一時停止
    • 特定の種類の個人データまたは当該データ処理の目的に対する制限
  • 異議を申し立てる権利 - 当社の他、監督当局に異議を申し立てる権利


6. 子どもに関するデータ処理


7. 本ポリシーの変更

ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ

8. お問い合わせ

8.1. 概要


住所:〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3425-2
ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ

8.2. GDPRに準じたEU加盟国および英国のデータ主体からのデータ主体要求

当社は、お客様のプライバシーおよびデータ主体としてのお客様の権利を尊重し、Prighter Groupおよびその現地パートナーを、以下の地域における当社の個人情報保護担当者およびお客様の窓口として任命しています。

    • 欧州連合加盟国
    • イギリス


データ主体の同意 データ主体の意向に関して、特定の、明確な、情報に基づく、明白な同意の表現であって、
契約の履行 契約を締結する前にデータ主体によって行われる処理を含む、
管理者 個人データの処理の目的と手段を単独または他者とともに決定する人、
データ主体 個人データを収集、保持、または処理されている人を意味します。
ダイレクトマーケティング マーケティングや広告メッセージを送信するために個人データが処理されることを意味します。
正当な利益 データ管理者の経済活動に関連する業務を行うための個人データの処理は管理者の利益を意味します。
個人データ データ主体に関して、識別された、または識別可能な、あらゆる情報を意味します。
処理 個人データまたは個人データのセットに対して、自動化された手段か否かにかかわらず、
受領者 第三者であるかにかかわらず、個人データが開示される人物または、法人、公的機関、または他の団体を意味します。

H.P.D. Corporation and our group companies*1 (hereinafter referred to as " Company", “we”, “us”, or “our”) recognize the importance of the social responsibility of a corporation to protect the personal information of its customers, suppliers, applicants for employment including internship applicants, employees, officers, and other Company members (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Customers") in the operation of our group facilities*2 (which is personal information as defined in Article 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information/hereafter referred to as "Personal Information"), and will comply with laws, regulations, guidelines, etc. regarding the protection of Personal Information and handle it appropriately.
For cases that the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) set forth by the European Union are applied, please also refer to Privacy Policy for GDPR.
*1: Our group companies mean H.O.S. and Tsuruya Hotel and Okinawa Marine Research Center.
*2: Our group facilities mean Renaissance Okinawa Resort, Coco Garden Resort Okinawa, Aoawo Naruto Resort, Kissho CAREN, Tsuruya Kisshotei, Kissho Yamanaka, and Kagari Kisshotei.

1.Types of Personal Information We Collect

The types of Personal Information Our Company may collect and retain include:

  • (1)Personal information received from the Customers:
    • ①Basic information(name, address, gender, date of birth, nationality, e-mail address, telephone number, passport number, etc.):
    • ②Ancillary information(anniversaries, preferences, allergies, etc.):
    • ③Payment information (credit card number, bank account number, etc.):
    • ④Facility service usage status (history of lodging, activity, shopping, etc.):
    • ⑤Details of communications (e-mails, website form entries, letters, etc.):
    • ⑥Information provided directly or indirectly by the Customers in connection with the provision of our services:
  • (2)Personal Information of our business partners:
    • ①Name, cell phone number, position and other information of the person in charge:
    • ②Other information obtained due to need in order to conduct business:
  • (3)Personal Information related to recruitment and job offer:
    • ①Information filled out in application forms:
    • ②Content of interviews, telephone calls, e-mails, etc. for the purpose of employment selection and hiring procedures:
  • (4)Personal Information related to members of our Company including employees, directors and others:
    • ①In addition to the information in (3) above, information required to be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations on work and employment as well as Company regulations, such as bank accounts for salary remittance, health information, etc.:
  • (5)Information automatically collected by browsing our website:
    • ①Device information, log information, cookies, anonymous IDs, location information, IP addresses, etc.:
  • (6)Information automatically collected through security systems:
    • ①Images from security cameras, history of card key use, etc.

2.Purposes to Collect Personal Information

We will collect and use Personal Information within the scope of the following purposes. In the event that we intend to use Personal Information beyond the stipulated scope, we will obtain the prior consent of the individual in question before processing the information, except as otherwise provided by law:

  • (1)Personal Information of the Customers:
    • ①To provide services and products to the Customers:
    • ②To confirm reservations and respond to inquiries from the Customers:
    • ③To fulfill contractual obligations to related parties (e.g., travel agencies) or outside vendors (e.g., credit card companies, airlines) in connection with travel arrangements:
    • ④To distribute invitations and e-mails regarding our products, events, etc.:
    • ⑤To conduct sweepstakes and campaigns ,or send questionnaires for the purpose of improving services:
    • ⑥To manage membership information and provide services to members of our membership program:
    • ⑦To deliver behaviorally targeted advertising using Internet ad-serving companies:
    • ⑧To understand usage conditions and analyze behavior for the purpose of improving, enhancing, and developing our product:
    • ⑨To respond to legal obligations, laws and ordinances, or notices and guidance from administrative authorities:
    • ⑩To respond to emergencies, accidents, disasters, etc.
    • ⑪For operations related to the above purposes
    • ⑫For other purposes of use separately specified at the time of collecting Personal Information:
  • (2) Personal Information of our business partners: 
    • ①To enter into and execute contracts with business partners for the purpose of providing services and products related to our business, and to carry out outsourcing and other necessary operations:
    • ②For other purposes of use separately specified at the time of collecting Personal Information:
  • (3) Personal Information of job applicants:
    • ①To execute contracts related to employment screening and hiring procedures, and to perform other necessary tasks:
    • ②To respond to inquiries, requests for information materials, etc.:
    • ③For other purposes of use separately specified at the time of collecting Personal Information:
  • (4) Personal Information of members of our Company including employees, directors and others:
    • ①To calculate and pay salaries and related works
    • ②To manage the safety, personnel, labor, and welfare of members of our Company and to perform related tasks
    • ③For other purposes of use separately specified at the time of collecting Personal Information:

3.How We Collect Personal Information

We will collect Personal Information in the following ways. The Customers always have the rights to make choices about the provision of Personal Information. However, if you refuse to provide Personal Information, such as not revealing your name, you may not be able to use some of our services.

  • (1) Directly from the Customers
    • We may collect Personal Information through telephone calls, written documents, business cards, verbal communication, websites, applications, and other means, when making reservations or using our group facilities, creating an account on our group facilities' website, responding to surveys, participating in drawings or sweepstakes, applying for or using services provided by our group facilities, or in connection with recruitment or business communications.
  • (2) From the Customers’ devices and the Company’s networks
    • Our Company may collect Personal Information automatically through cookies and related technologies from the Customers’ devices when the Customers use the Company’s websites or other online contents of our group facilities
  • (3) From companies which legitimate right has been conferred from the Customers
    • We may collect Personal Information from companies like the following, which the Customers have contracted in order to use our group facilities, and which have been selected by our group facilities.
      e.g., Travel agency used by the Customers or airlines as their means of transportation
      Credit card companies which the Customers use for payment, etc.
  • (4) From publicly available information
    • We may collect Personal Information from newspapers, the Internet including social networking sites, telephone directories, publications, and other written materials.
  • (5) When we ask for Personal Information from other sources than those listed above, we will clearly explain the purpose and content of the request and obtain the minimum necessary information.

4.Safety Management

In handling Personal Information, we will comply with the Act on Protection of Personal Information and other relevant legal standards and take the following measures.

  • Necessary precautions and safety measures to prevent leakage, unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, etc.:
  • Periodic improvement of the information management system:
  • Establishment of a secure organizational structure:
  • Establishment, ongoing review and improvement of internal regulations and specific rules for the handling of Personal Information:
  • Regular education and training to ensure that all employees are familiar with its contents:
  • Physical safety measures for equipment and facilities that handle Personal Information:
  • Appropriate supervision of contractors to whom Personal Information is entrusted (e.g., Clear statement on safety management in the contract).
  • ※SSL:Our websites use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) as encryption technology. Personal Information and credit card numbers transmitted by the Customers are automatically encrypted by SSL, so that even if they are seen by a third party during transmission, the contents cannot be read. However, this does not guarantee a completely secure environment.

5.Disclosure and Provision to Third Party

We will not disclose or provide Personal Information of the Customers to third parties except in the following cases:

  • When we have the consent of the person concerned:
  • When used jointly with our group facilities for the purpose of use that we have clearly stated:
  • When providing information to contractors within the scope of the stated purpose of use in order to provide services to the Customers:
  • When providing information to third parties in the form of statistical information that does not identify individuals for the purpose of research and analysis of usage trends and improvement of the services provided:
  • When we are requested to provide the information under laws and regulations:
  • When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, mind, property, or public health, and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Customers:
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national or local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by those, in the execution of public affairs, and obtaining the consent of the person concerned is likely to impede the execution of such affairs:
  • When the person concerned explicitly requests disclosure or provision of the information to third parties:
  • When the right to manage Personal Information is transferred as a result of the succession of business due to a merger, etc.

6.Joint Use of Personal Information

We will share Personal Information of the Customers, as follows, subject to the necessary protection measures.

  • (1) Scope of the joint use
    • Our group facilities
  • (2) Purpose of joint use
    • Purposes stipulated in ”2. Purposes to Collect Personal Information”
  • (3) Information subject to joint use
    • Types of Personal Information stipulated in ”1. Types of Personal Information We Collect”
  • (4) Party responsible for the management of joint use
    • H.P.D. Corporation

7. Retention Period

We will retain Personal Information collected from the Customers as long as it is necessary for the purposes of use described in this policy. The specific retention period will be determined based on the purpose for which Personal Information is acquired and processed, the nature of Personal Information, and the legal or business necessity. After the retention period has elapsed, Personal Information will be erased or anonymized in a secure manner.

8. Use of Cookies

A cookie is a technology that stores access information to the Company's website in the computer or mobile device of the Customers. The Company's website uses cookies to analyze browsing and usage conditions and to provide appropriate information to the Customers. If you wish, you can stop or disable the cookie function of your browser, but some of the services on our website may not function properly. Please contact the provider of your browser or refer to the Cookie Policy for information on how to set up your browser.

9. Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Information

When a person or his/her proxy makes a request for disclosure, notification of purpose of use, correction or addition of content, partial deletion, suspension of use ,total deletion, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as " the Requests") regarding Personal Information held by us, the prescribed required documents should be submitted by sending documents (by registered mail ) to the Contact below, and we will promptly respond to your request within a reasonable period of time and to the extent necessary (a fee equivalent to the actual cost will be charged, depending on the details of the Requests). However, we may decline such requests in the following cases: if the Requests violate laws and regulations; if the Requests may harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person concerned or a third party; if the Requests may seriously impede the proper conduct of our business; if the relevant personal information does not exist; if the identity of the person making the Requests cannot be verified; or if the person making the Requests does not pay the prescribed fee.

  • (1)Mailing address for documents
    • Send To:

      Accounting,Renaissance Okinawa Resort
      H.P.D. Corporation
      3425-2 Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan,〒904-0416
      ※Contact for inquiries:

  • (2) Required documents
    ■When the person concerned makes the Requests
    • Application Form
    • dentification documents
    • A:Copy of one of the following
      Driver's License
      Individual Number Card (front side only)
      Disability Certificate
      Residence Card
      Special Permanent Resident Certificate
    • B:Copies of any two of the following, if you do not have the documents listed in A above,
      Any Health Insurance Card (within expiration date)
      Any Pension Book (within expiration date)
      Transcript or Extract of Family Register (within 30 days of issue /original only)
      Certificate of Residence (within 30 days of issue /original only)
      Certificate of Seal Registration (within 30 days of issue /original only)
    • If you wish to receive a reply by mail, postal stamps for the equivalent amount of return postage
      ※Please inquire in advance about the amount.
    ■When a proxy makes the Requests
    • Application Form
    • Documents to certify the person concerned and the proxy (A or B above) 
    • (If the proxy is a legal representative)
      Documents proving the qualification of the legal representative, such as a copy of the family register (within 30 days of issue)
    • (If the proxy is an arbitrary proxy)
    • Letter of Proxy
    • If you wish to receive a reply by mail, postal stamps for the equivalent amount of return postage
      ※Please inquire in advance about the amount.
  • (3)How we reply
    • We will send the documents by postal mail (ID confirmation delivery service) or E-mail to the address for response indicated on the Application Form.
      ※Please set up your domain for in advance so that you can receive emails from us.
  • (4)Notes
    • In the event that there are any deficiencies in the description, identification documents, fees, etc., we will notify the applicant of such deficiencies to “Your Contact from Us" indicated on the Application Form. However, if no second request is made within 2 weeks of the notification, the Requests will be deemed invalid. In such cases, the documents, fees and other submission which have been once received will not be returned, but we will dispose them appropriately.
    • All costs related to disclosure and other requests, including printing and photocopying costs of necessary documents, acquisition costs of identification documents, and postage costs, etc., shall be borne by the requesting party.
    • Personal Information obtained by us in response to a request for disclosure and other requests, will be used only to the extent necessary for the procedures. Documents to be submitted will not be returned. We will dispose of them appropriately.
    • Please note that we are not responsible for any problems that may occur as a result of the disclosure of retained personal data in response to this request.

10. Pseudonymized Personal Information

(1)When we create pseudonymized personal information which is the information about an individual obtained by processing personal information so that the individual cannot be identified unless it is cross-checked with other information, we will process the information appropriately in accordance with the standards set forth in the Act on Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations.

(2)We will handle pseudonymized personal information to the extent necessary for the purposes of use listed in "2.Purposes to Collect Personal Information " and "6. Joint Use of Personal Information“ in the policy. If we change the purpose of use and use it for other purposes, we will publicly announce the changed purpose of use.

(3)We will not verify pseudonymized personal information with other information for the purpose of identifying the individual to whom the information pertains. In addition, we will not provide such information to a third party, except in the case of joint use among our group facilities.

(4)When we create pseudonymized personal information or obtain pseudonymized personal information as well as deleted information which is related to pseudonymized personal information, we will take security control measures for such information in accordance with laws and regulations, in addition to the provisions of the policy "4.Safety Management”.

11.Anonymized Personal Information

(1)When creating anonymized processed information, which is the processed information that cannot be identified as a specific individual and be recovered, we will process the information appropriately in accordance with the standards set forth in the Act on Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations.

(2)We will not verify anonymized processed information with other information for the purpose of identifying the individual to whom the information pertains. In addition, when we create anonymized processed information, we will publicly disclose the items of personal information contained in such anonymized processed information. When providing anonymized processed information to a third party, we will clearly state that the information is such information.

(3)When creating anonymized processed information, in order to prevent the leakage of information related to deleted information, personal identification codes, and processing methods from personal information used to create anonymized processed information, we will take measures for safety management in accordance with laws and regulations, in addition to the provisions of the policy "4.Safety Management”.

12.Handling of Personal Information on Third Party Websites or Applications

While we take the utmost care in handling Personal Information on our website in accordance with this policy, we assume no responsibility for the handling of personal information by third party websites or applications posted on our website. The Customers should check the terms and conditions regarding personal information on such websites or applications before using them.

13. Revision of Privacy Policy

We may revise this policy without prior notice in response to changes in related laws and regulations or the social environment. If you would like to check the latest information, visit our websites. Please note that the Company will not be held responsible for any problems arising from failure to check our websites.

14. Business Contact for Consultations or Inquiries Concerning Personal Information

If you have any questions or concerns about the personal information we handle, please contact us at the following address.

    • Accounting, Renaissance Okinawa Resort
      H.P.D. Corporation
      3425-2 Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan, 〒904-0416 

Revised July 1, 2024
H.P.D. Corporation

1.What is Cookie

Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser when you visit a website. This allows the website to remember information about the user's visits and activities. Cookies and related technologies are used to distinguish between each visitor, to optimize the display of the website according to the visitor's device and browser settings, and to use the recorded past browsing history to provide information and deliver advertisements tailored to the interests of the Customers.

2. Type and Purpose of Cookies

The website uses three types of cookies.

    • Essential cookies:
      These cookies are essential to the basic functionality and security features of our websites. When the users visit our websites, the cookies are always available and are running without the visitors’ consent.
      Specifically, they support the following functions:
    • Maintain user login status
    • Manage Shopping Cart
    • Save security settings
    • Assist with page navigation
■Tools used on our websites
Tool Tool supplie
(Destination of information)
URL of Policy
Google Tag Manager Google LLC
Trust 360 Priv Tech Corporation
YouTube Google LLC
    • Analytical cookies:
      These cookies enable us to understand how our websites are being used. We use the cookies to grasp site usage status, such as the number of visitors on each page, how many pages they navigate in a single visit, and whether there are any errors, so that we can continually improve our websites. For this purpose, we adopt Google Analytics. The information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics is processed anonymously and does not contain any information that identifies you as an individual. However, the information may be used for the distribution of advertisements and other purposes.
■Tools used on our websites
Tool Tool supplie
(Destination of information)
URL of Policy
Google Analytics Google LLC
    • Marketing cookies:
      These cookies are set by external advertising distribution service providers and are used to record site access information, attribute information at the time of login and other information, and to distribute advertisements based on the interests of the Customers. These cookies do not directly store Personal Information, but if you are a registered user of Google, Meta, Yahoo or other providers, your website browsing history may be managed in a way that is linked to your registered information with these companies. The information created by the cookies will be handled in accordance with the regulations of the external advertising service providers. You may block these cookies, in which case you will be presented with not- targeted and more general advertisements. The information collected by the cookies will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy and other regulations of the external advertising distribution service providers.
■Tools used on our websites
Tool Tool supplier
(Destination of information)
URL of Policy
Google Ads Google LLC
Facebook Ads Meta Platforms, Inc.
LINE Ads/Yahoo! Ads LY Corporation

3.How to set cookies

The Customers can choose whether or not to store cookies on their devices. It is possible to set your browser to disable cookies, but you may not be able to use certain features of our websites or some pages may not display properly.

4.Revisions to this Policy

It may be revised in response to changes in laws and regulations, social conditions, etc. Any changes to the Cookie Policy will be effective upon posting of the revised content on the Company's websites.

5.Business Contact

    • Accounting, Renaissance Okinawa Resort
      H.P.D. Corporation
      3425-2 Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan, 〒904-0416

1. General

We at Renaissance Okinawa Resort (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”, “our” or “Renaissance Okinawa”) value your privacy and are committed to take care of your data, and we take this responsibility very serious.
Please take the time to carefully read our Privacy Policy, which explains why we collect your Personal Data and how we process it when you:

  • visit our website (see, in particular, Section 3.1)
  • use our products and/or services such as making a reservation with us (see, in particular, Section 3.2)
  • are a potential customer (see, in particular, Section 3.3)
  • are a business partner or supplier (see, in particular, Section 3.4)
  • apply for a position with us (see, in particular, Section 3.5)

HPD Corporation MOVE21 Building
Higashimikuni, Yodogawa-ku,
Osaka 532-0002

2. Definitions

Unless otherwise indicated, capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy are defined in Annex 1. Most of the definitions are derived from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which you can access from here.

3. How do we process your Personal Data?

We process your data in different ways depending on whether you visit our website or express an interest in our products, or whether you are our customer, supplier, business partner or job applicant:

3.1. Processing of Personal Data relating to visitors of your website

Like many other websites, we use so-called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our website.
Please refer to our Cookie Consent Banner for more information on the cookies we use.
In our Cookie Consent Banner, we inform you furthermore on the processing of your Personal Data when you visit the website and consent to the use of cookies.

3.2. Processing of Personal Data relating to customers
Purpose and legal basis

When you use our products and services such as making a reservation with us, we process your Personal Data.
The primary purpose for processing data when you use our products and services such as making a reservation with us is to fulfil the contractual relationship between you and Renaissance Okinawa, ensuring that we can provide you the products and services you have requested. We further might process Personal Data to comply with legal obligations, such as for tax reporting purposes.

We may process Personal Data concerning health or allergies voluntarily provided by you or obtained through direct communication with our staff for the purpose of ensuring your safety and satisfaction during your stay.
Where we process any such allergen information, we will obtain your explicit consent to the processing at the point at which such information is collected.

Besides that, we use your contact information to send you information on our Products as a form of Direct Marketing.
Your email address might be added to a contact list of those who may receive email messages containing information of commercial or promotional nature as a result of signing up to this website or after booking our services.

The processing activity related to Direct Marketing is based on Legitimate Interest. You have the right, at all times, to object to the Processing of your Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing, without being required to state your reasons, and can do so by sending us a letter or emailing us at The Processing of your Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing is not required in order to conduct our contractual relationship.

Processed Personal Data

We mainly process the Personal Data you provide us with.
We collect:

  • Identifiers
    • Name
    • E-mail address
    • Date of Birth
    • Passport/ID
  • Personal information
    • Payment data
    • Telephone number
    • Reservation information
    • Billing address
    • Credit/Debit card number
    • HPD Membership
    • Booking History
  • Sensitive information
    • Information on allergies
  • Company related information
    • Company address
    • Company name
    • Company phone number

To achieve the objectives described above, it may be necessary to disclose your Personal Data to the following Recipients in certain cases.
We may disclose and transfer customer and consumer Personal Data to third parties, including to our contractors or service providers who provide services which are integrated into our Products or perform functions on our behalf.
The actual Recipients depend on the Products the Customer has signed up for.

Personal Data may be disclosed by being transferred, disseminated, or provided by other means to:

Recipient Data Location Basis for transfer to third party country
1 Cloud Service Provider US Adequacy decision
2 Hospitality Software Provider Japan Adequacy decision
3 Vendors Japan Adequacy decision
4 Legal Consultants Japan Adequacy decision
5 Tax Accountant Japan Adequacy decision
6 Reservation System Provider Japan Adequacy decision
7 Travel Agencies Japan Adequacy decision
8 Tour Operators Japan Adequacy decision
9 Online Travel Agencies Japan Adequacy decision
10 Marketing Service Provider Japan Adequacy decision
Retention period

We retain all Personal Data necessary for tax purposes, especially contracts, invoices and other bookkeeping documents as well as relevant correspondence related to our contractual relationship, for a period as required by corresponding laws to comply with legal obligations or upon order of an authority.

Furthermore, we may be allowed to retain Personal Data whenever you have given consent to such processing (e.g. subscription to our newsletter), as long as such consent is not withdrawn.

Purpose Legal Basis Recipients
Contract Contract Performance 1-3, 6-9
Direct Marketing Legitimate Interest 10
Newsletter subscription Consent 10
Debt collection Legal Obligation 4-5
Tax and legal obligation Legal Obligation 4-5

※Please refer to the recipient section in the previous item for information regarding the recipient.

3.3. Processing of Personal Data relating to potential customers
Purpose and legal basis

When you contact us to inquire about our products and/or services, we process the Personal Data you include in such a message or in emails and process such inquiry prior to a booking being made. Such processing is necessary in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you and our legal basis for processing such data is Contract Performance. Contract Performance is also the purpose of any processing of your personal data when you decide to make a reservation with us or book a service.

Personal Data processed

We mainly process the Personal Data you provide to us during as part of your inquiry and any pre-contractual discussions we have with you prior to you making a booking.
We collect:

  • Identifiers
    • Name
    • E-mail address and other contact details
Retention period

Personal Data collected for purposes related to Contract Performance shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed.

Purpose Legal Basis Recipients
Communication with you Contract Performance -
3.4. Processing of Personal Data relating to suppliers and business partners
Purpose and legal basis

Your Personal Data is processed, first and foremost, for the purpose of Contract Performance regarding Renaissance Okinawa and services.
Products. The purpose of processing your Personal Data is the performance of our legal relationship.

Processed Personal Data

We mainly process the Personal Data you provide us with.
We collect:

    • Name
    • Company Address
    • Company Name
    • Position in the company

To achieve these desired objectives, it may be necessary to disclose your Personal Data to the following Recipients in certain cases. This includes platforms regarding the support of our dealer network to collect dealer contact info and user data for purposes of servicing the account. Personal Data may be disclosed by being transferred, disseminated, or provided by other means to:

Recipient Registered Office (Country) Basis for transfer to third party country
1 Tax accountant Japan Adequacy decision
2 Legal consultants Japan Adequacy decision
Retention period

We retain all Personal Data necessary for tax purposes, especially contracts, invoices and other bookkeeping documents as well as relevant correspondence related to our contractual relationship, for a period as required by corresponding laws to comply with legal obligations or upon order of an authority.

Purpose Legal Basis Recipients
Cooperation Contract Performance 1
Debt collection Legal Obligation 2
Invoicing Legal Obligation 1

※Please refer to the recipient section in the previous item regarding the data recipient.

3.5. Processing of Personal Data relating to applicants
Purpose and legal basis

We process your Personal Data either

    • to take steps prior to entering into a contract (conclusion of an employment agreement),
    • and to fulfil our legal obligations (registering you as an employee in the social security system).

Your Personal Data are processed for the purpose of completing the application process.
not provide us with your Personal Data, we cannot process your application.

Processed Personal Data

We mainly process the Personal Data you provide us with.
Nevertheless, in individual cases, we may also obtain Personal Data from other sources. These other sources are publicly available, such as job portals or recruiting platforms.

We collect:

  • Identifiers
    • Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Gender
    • E-mail address
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • Picture
  • Professional or employment-related information
    • Employment history
    • Educational information
    • Language ability
Retention period

The Personal Data of applicants who are not hired will be erased after the closure of the application.
If the applicant consents to their Personal Data being kept on file for future consideration, we do not delete such Personal Data.

Purpose Legal Basis Recipients
Application Contract Performance -

4. Data security

We handle Personal Data only as permitted by data protection regulations. We use a variety of technical and organizational measures to help protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, loss or destruction in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

When handling Personal Data, our employees are obliged to comply with the regulations of the GDPR.

5. What are your rights with respect to Processing of Personal Data?

Rights under the GDPR

GDPR and other applicable data protection laws protect certain rights for Data Subjects. In particular:

  • Right of Access - right to obtain confirmation of which of your Personal Data is processed and information about it, for instance, which are the purposes of the Processing, what are the conservation periods, among others.
  • Right to Erasure or "right to be forgotten" - right to erase your Personal Data, provided that there are no valid grounds for its retention, for example in cases where we have to keep the Personal Data to comply with legal obligation or because a court case is in progress.
  • Right to Data Portability - right to receive the Personal Data you have provided us in a digital format of current use and automatic reading or to request the direct transmission of your Personal Data to another entity that becomes the new responsible for your Personal Data, however only if technically possible.
  • Right of Rectification - right to request modification of your Personal Data that is inaccurate or request incomplete Personal Data, such as the address, VAT, email, telephone contacts, or others.
  • Right to object and ADM - When the Processing of Personal Data, including the Processing for the definition of profiles, is exclusively automatic (without human intervention) and may have effects in your legal sphere or significantly affect it, you shall have the right not to remain subject to any decision based on such automatic Processing, except as otherwise provided by law and shall have the right that we take appropriate measures to safeguard its rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, including the right to have human intervention in decision making by us, the right to express its point of view or contest the decision taken on the basis of automated individual information Processing.
  • Right to Withdraw Consent or Right of Opposition - right to object or withdraw consent at any time to Processing, for example in the case of Processing for marketing purposes, provided that no Legitimate Interests exist prevailing over your interests, rights and freedoms, such as defending a right in a judicial process.
  • Right of Limitation  - right to request the limitation of the Processing of your Personal Data, in the form of:
    • (i) suspension of Processing or
    • (ii) limitation of the scope of Processing to certain categories of Personal Data or purposes of Processing.
  • Right to complain  - right to complain to the supervisory authority, in addition to us.

The period for handling a request is 30 days unless it is a particularly complex request.

Once the retention period expires, Personal Data shall be deleted. Therefore, the right to access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification and the right to data portability cannot be enforced after expiration of the retention period.

6. Processing data related to children

Our services are not intended for and may not permissibly be used by individuals under the age of 13. Renaissance Okinawa does not knowingly collect personal data from persons under 13.

7. Changes to our data protection provisions

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, so it is always in compliance with the current legal requirements or to implement changes to services in the Privacy Policy, e.g., when introducing new services.
In this case, your future visits to our website will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy.
If you have additional questions regarding the processing of your Personal Data, please feel free to contact us directly,
either by email at or via mail to Renaissance Okinawa, 3425-2, Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, 904-0416, Japan.

8. Contact information

8.1. General

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, the ways in which we collect and use your Personal Data, your choices and rights regarding such use please do not hesitate to contact us:

Postal Address: 3425-2, Yamada, Onna-son,
Okinawa, 904-0416, Japan.

8.2. Data Subject Requests from EU Data Subjects according to the GDPR

We value your privacy and your rights as a data subject and have therefore appointed Prighter Group with its local partners as our privacy representative and your point of contact for the following regions:

    • European Union (EU)
    • United Kingdom (UK)

Prighter gives you an easy way to exercise your privacy-related rights (e.g. requests to access or erase personal data). If you want to contact us via our representative, Prighter or make use of your data subject rights, please visit the following website:

Annex 1.
ADM means Automated decision-making;
Consent of the Data Subject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the Data Subject's wishes by which he or she,
by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the Processing of Personal Data relating to him or her;
Contract Performance means concluding, maintaining, and completing of a contract concluded between the Controller and a Data Subject, including Processing activities which take place at the request of the Data Subject before entering into a contractual relation;
Controller means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data; where the purposes and means of such Processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the Controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law;
Data Subject is any natural person whose Personal Data is being collected, held or processed. Examples of a Data Subject can be an individual, a customer, a prospect, an employee, a contact person, etc;
Direct Marketing means personal data processed to communicate a marketing or advertising message. This definition includes messages from commercial organisations, as well as from charities and political organisations;
General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR)
is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA); Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
Legitimate Interest means the Controller’s interest to process Personal Data in order to carry out tasks related to the Controller‘s business activities. The processing of Personal Data in that context may not necessarily be justified by a legal obligation or carried out to execute the terms of a contract with a Data Subject;
Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('Data Subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;
Recipient means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the Personal Data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with Union or Member State law shall not be regarded as Recipients; the Processing of those Personal Data by those public authorities shall be in compliance with the applicable data protection rules according to the purposes of the Processing;

