※2:当社グループ施設とは、ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ、ココ ガーデンリゾート オキナワ、アオアヲ ナルト リゾート、吉祥CAREN、つるや吉祥亭、吉祥やまなか、かがり吉祥亭をいいます。
ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ 経理宛
〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3425-2
ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ 経理宛
サービス名 | ツール提供者 (情報送信先) |
ポリシーURL |
Google Tag Manager | Google LLC | https://marketingplatform.google.com/intl/ja/about/analytics/tag-manager/use-policy/ |
Trust 360 | Priv Tech株式会社 | https://privtech.co.jp/cookie_policy.html |
YouTube | Google LLC | https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites |
サービス名 | ツール提供者 (情報送信先) |
ポリシーURL |
Google Analytics | Google LLC | https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=ja |
サービス名 | ツール提供者 (情報送信先) |
ポリシーURL |
Google広告 | Google LLC | https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=ja |
Facebook広告 | Meta Platforms, Inc. | https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policies/cookies/?entry_point=cookie_policy_redirect&entry=0 |
LINE広告/Yahoo!広告 | LINEヤフー株式会社 | https://privacy.lycorp.co.jp/ja/glossary/cookies.html |
〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3425-2
ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ 経理
私ども「ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ」(以下「当社」)は、お客様のプライバシーを尊重し、お客様の個人データを大切に扱うことをお約束いたします。
管理者 |
株式会社 エイチピーデイコーポレーション |
ダイレクトマーケティングに関するデータの処理は、正当な利益に基づきます。お客様は、ダイレクトマーケティングを目的としたお客様の個人データの処理に対して、理由の提示を求められることなく、いつでも異議を申し立てる権利を有し、当社に異議申し立ての旨を記載した書類を送付するか、 privacy@hpd-c.co.jp宛に電子メールを送信することにより、異議申し立てすることができます。ダイレクトマーケティングを目的としたお客様の個人データの処理は、当社がお客様との契約を履行するために必ずしも必要なものではありません。
当社は主に、お客様から直接提供された個人データを処理します。 当社が収集する情報は以下のとおりです。
受領者 | データ所在地 | 第三国への移転の法的根拠 | |
1 | クラウドサービス事業者 | アメリカ合衆国 | 十分性認定 |
2 | ホテル向けソフトウェア運営事業者 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
3 | 販売業者 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
4 | 法務コンサルタント | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
5 | 税理士 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
6 | 予約システム事業者 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
7 | 旅行代理店 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
8 | ツアーオペレーター | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
9 | オンライン旅行代理店 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
10 | マーケティングサービス事業者 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
目的 | 法的根拠 | 受領者 |
契約関連業務 | 契約の履行 | 1-3, 6-9 |
ダイレクトマーケティング | 正当な利益 | 10 |
メールマガジンの配信 | 同意 | 10 |
債権回収 | 法的義務の遵守 | 4-5 |
税務的、法的義務の履行 | 法的義務の遵守 | 4-5 |
目的 | 法的根拠 | 受領者 |
お客様との連絡 | 契約の履行 | - |
お取引先に該当するお客様の個人データは、ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワとサービスに関する契約の履行のために処理されます。
これには、ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワの商品を販売する販売パートナーも含まれます。これらの個人データの処理はお客様と当社との契約の履行を目的としています。
受領者 | 事務所登録地(国名) | 第三者国への移転の根拠 | |
1 | 税理士、公認会計士 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
2 | 弁護士 | 日本 | 十分性認定 |
目的 | 法的根拠 | データ受領者 |
業務提携 | 契約の履行 | 1 |
債権回収 | 法的義務の遵守 | 2 |
請求 | 法的義務の遵守 | 1 |
目的 | 法的根拠 | 受領者 |
応募 | 契約の履行 | - |
ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ
ホームページ: https://renaissance-okinawa.com/
電子メールアドレス: privacy@hpd-c.co.jp
住所:〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3425-2
ルネッサンス リゾート オキナワ
当社は、お客様のプライバシーおよびデータ主体としてのお客様の権利を尊重し、Prighter Groupおよびその現地パートナーを、以下の地域における当社の個人情報保護担当者およびお客様の窓口として任命しています。
データ主体の同意 | データ主体の意向に関して、特定の、明確な、情報に基づく、明白な同意の表現であって、 当人による意思の表明、または明確な肯定的行動によって、当人に関連する個人データの処理に同意することを 示すものを意味します。 |
契約の履行 | 契約を締結する前にデータ主体によって行われる処理を含む、 データ管理者とデータ主体の間で締結された契約の締結、維持、完了を意味します。 |
管理者 | 個人データの処理の目的と手段を単独または他者とともに決定する人、 法人、公的機関、またはその他の団体を意味します。 このような処理の目的と手段が連合または加盟国の法令によって定められている場合、 管理者やその指名にあたっての具体的な基準は、連合または加盟国の法令によって定められることがあります。 |
データ主体 | 個人データを収集、保持、または処理されている人を意味します。 データ主体の例としては、個人、顧客、潜在顧客、従業員、連絡先などがあります。 |
ダイレクトマーケティング | マーケティングや広告メッセージを送信するために個人データが処理されることを意味します。 この定義には、商業組織だけでなく、慈善団体や政治組織からのメッセージも含みます。 |
欧州一般データ保護規則 (GDPR) |
データの自由な移動に関する個人の保護について定めた、 欧州連合(EU)および欧州経済領域(EEA)におけるデータ保護とプライバシーに関するEU法の規則です。 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/679/oj |
正当な利益 | データ管理者の経済活動に関連する業務を行うための個人データの処理は管理者の利益を意味します。 これに関する個人データの処理は、法的義務によって正当化される必要はなく、 データ主体との契約履行を目的とするとは限られません。 |
個人データ | データ主体に関して、識別された、または識別可能な、あらゆる情報を意味します。 識別可能なデータは、名前、識別番号、データ、オンライン識別子、またはデータ主体の身体的、生理的、 遺伝的、精神的、経済的、文化的、または社会的アイデンティティといった、 一つまたは複数の要因によって、直接的または間接的に当人を識別できるものことを指します。 |
処理 | 個人データまたは個人データのセットに対して、自動化された手段か否かにかかわらず、 収集、記録、整理、構造化、保存、適応または変更、取得、参照、使用、伝送による開示、 配布または提供、整合または組み合わせ、制限、消去または破壊など、 行われるあらゆる操作または一連の操作を意味します。 |
受領者 | 第三者であるかにかかわらず、個人データが開示される人物または、法人、公的機関、または他の団体を意味します。 ただし、連合または加盟国の法律に従って特定の調査の枠組み内で個人データを受け取る可能性のある 公的機関は受領者として見なされません。 このような公的機関による個人データの処理は、処理の目的に応じて適用されるデータ保護規則に準拠して 行わなければなりません。 |
H.P.D. Corporation and our group companies*1 (hereinafter referred to as " Company", “we”, “us”, or “our”) recognize the importance of the social responsibility of a corporation to protect the personal information of its customers, suppliers, applicants for employment including internship applicants, employees, officers, and other Company members (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Customers") in the operation of our group facilities*2 (which is personal information as defined in Article 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information/hereafter referred to as "Personal Information"), and will comply with laws, regulations, guidelines, etc. regarding the protection of Personal Information and handle it appropriately.
For cases that the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) set forth by the European Union are applied, please also refer to Privacy Policy for GDPR.
*1: Our group companies mean H.O.S. and Tsuruya Hotel and Okinawa Marine Research Center.
*2: Our group facilities mean Renaissance Okinawa Resort, Coco Garden Resort Okinawa, Aoawo Naruto Resort, Kissho CAREN, Tsuruya Kisshotei, Kissho Yamanaka, and Kagari Kisshotei.
The types of Personal Information Our Company may collect and retain include:
We will collect and use Personal Information within the scope of the following purposes. In the event that we intend to use Personal Information beyond the stipulated scope, we will obtain the prior consent of the individual in question before processing the information, except as otherwise provided by law:
We will collect Personal Information in the following ways. The Customers always have the rights to make choices about the provision of Personal Information. However, if you refuse to provide Personal Information, such as not revealing your name, you may not be able to use some of our services.
In handling Personal Information, we will comply with the Act on Protection of Personal Information and other relevant legal standards and take the following measures.
We will not disclose or provide Personal Information of the Customers to third parties except in the following cases:
We will share Personal Information of the Customers, as follows, subject to the necessary protection measures.
We will retain Personal Information collected from the Customers as long as it is necessary for the purposes of use described in this policy. The specific retention period will be determined based on the purpose for which Personal Information is acquired and processed, the nature of Personal Information, and the legal or business necessity. After the retention period has elapsed, Personal Information will be erased or anonymized in a secure manner.
A cookie is a technology that stores access information to the Company's website in the computer or mobile device of the Customers. The Company's website uses cookies to analyze browsing and usage conditions and to provide appropriate information to the Customers. If you wish, you can stop or disable the cookie function of your browser, but some of the services on our website may not function properly. Please contact the provider of your browser or refer to the Cookie Policy for information on how to set up your browser.
When a person or his/her proxy makes a request for disclosure, notification of purpose of use, correction or addition of content, partial deletion, suspension of use ,total deletion, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as " the Requests") regarding Personal Information held by us, the prescribed required documents should be submitted by sending documents (by registered mail ) to the Contact below, and we will promptly respond to your request within a reasonable period of time and to the extent necessary (a fee equivalent to the actual cost will be charged, depending on the details of the Requests). However, we may decline such requests in the following cases: if the Requests violate laws and regulations; if the Requests may harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person concerned or a third party; if the Requests may seriously impede the proper conduct of our business; if the relevant personal information does not exist; if the identity of the person making the Requests cannot be verified; or if the person making the Requests does not pay the prescribed fee.
Accounting,Renaissance Okinawa Resort
H.P.D. Corporation
3425-2 Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan,〒904-0416
※Contact for inquiries:
E-mail privacy@hpd-c.co.jp
(1)When we create pseudonymized personal information which is the information about an individual obtained by processing personal information so that the individual cannot be identified unless it is cross-checked with other information, we will process the information appropriately in accordance with the standards set forth in the Act on Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations.
(2)We will handle pseudonymized personal information to the extent necessary for the purposes of use listed in "2.Purposes to Collect Personal Information " and "6. Joint Use of Personal Information“ in the policy. If we change the purpose of use and use it for other purposes, we will publicly announce the changed purpose of use.
(3)We will not verify pseudonymized personal information with other information for the purpose of identifying the individual to whom the information pertains. In addition, we will not provide such information to a third party, except in the case of joint use among our group facilities.
(4)When we create pseudonymized personal information or obtain pseudonymized personal information as well as deleted information which is related to pseudonymized personal information, we will take security control measures for such information in accordance with laws and regulations, in addition to the provisions of the policy "4.Safety Management”.
(1)When creating anonymized processed information, which is the processed information that cannot be identified as a specific individual and be recovered, we will process the information appropriately in accordance with the standards set forth in the Act on Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations.
(2)We will not verify anonymized processed information with other information for the purpose of identifying the individual to whom the information pertains. In addition, when we create anonymized processed information, we will publicly disclose the items of personal information contained in such anonymized processed information. When providing anonymized processed information to a third party, we will clearly state that the information is such information.
(3)When creating anonymized processed information, in order to prevent the leakage of information related to deleted information, personal identification codes, and processing methods from personal information used to create anonymized processed information, we will take measures for safety management in accordance with laws and regulations, in addition to the provisions of the policy "4.Safety Management”.
While we take the utmost care in handling Personal Information on our website in accordance with this policy, we assume no responsibility for the handling of personal information by third party websites or applications posted on our website. The Customers should check the terms and conditions regarding personal information on such websites or applications before using them.
We may revise this policy without prior notice in response to changes in related laws and regulations or the social environment. If you would like to check the latest information, visit our websites. Please note that the Company will not be held responsible for any problems arising from failure to check our websites.
If you have any questions or concerns about the personal information we handle, please contact us at the following address.
Accounting, Renaissance Okinawa Resort
H.P.D. Corporation
3425-2 Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan, 〒904-0416
Revised July 1, 2024
H.P.D. Corporation
Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser when you visit a website. This allows the website to remember information about the user's visits and activities. Cookies and related technologies are used to distinguish between each visitor, to optimize the display of the website according to the visitor's device and browser settings, and to use the recorded past browsing history to provide information and deliver advertisements tailored to the interests of the Customers.
The website uses three types of cookies.
Tool | Tool supplie (Destination of information) |
URL of Policy |
Google Tag Manager | Google LLC | https://marketingplatform.google.com/intl/ja/about/analytics/tag-manager/use-policy/ |
Trust 360 | Priv Tech Corporation | https://privtech.co.jp/cookie_policy.html |
YouTube | Google LLC | https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites |
Tool | Tool supplie (Destination of information) |
URL of Policy |
Google Analytics | Google LLC | https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=ja |
Tool | Tool supplier (Destination of information) |
URL of Policy |
Google Ads | Google LLC | https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=ja |
Facebook Ads | Meta Platforms, Inc. | https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policies/cookies/?entry_point=cookie_policy_redirect&entry=0 |
LINE Ads/Yahoo! Ads | LY Corporation | https://privacy.lycorp.co.jp/ja/glossary/cookies.html |
The Customers can choose whether or not to store cookies on their devices. It is possible to set your browser to disable cookies, but you may not be able to use certain features of our websites or some pages may not display properly.
It may be revised in response to changes in laws and regulations, social conditions, etc. Any changes to the Cookie Policy will be effective upon posting of the revised content on the Company's websites.
Accounting, Renaissance Okinawa Resort
H.P.D. Corporation
3425-2 Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan, 〒904-0416
We at Renaissance Okinawa Resort (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”, “our” or “Renaissance Okinawa”) value your privacy and are committed to take care of your data, and we take this responsibility very serious.
Please take the time to carefully read our Privacy Policy, which explains why we collect your Personal Data and how we process it when you:
Controller |
HPD Corporation MOVE21 Building |
Unless otherwise indicated, capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy are defined in Annex 1. Most of the definitions are derived from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which you can access from here.
We process your data in different ways depending on whether you visit our website or express an interest in our products, or whether you are our customer, supplier, business partner or job applicant:
Like many other websites, we use so-called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our website.
Please refer to our Cookie Consent Banner for more information on the cookies we use.
In our Cookie Consent Banner, we inform you furthermore on the processing of your Personal Data when you visit the website and consent to the use of cookies.
When you use our products and services such as making a reservation with us, we process your Personal Data.
The primary purpose for processing data when you use our products and services such as making a reservation with us is to fulfil the contractual relationship between you and Renaissance Okinawa, ensuring that we can provide you the products and services you have requested. We further might process Personal Data to comply with legal obligations, such as for tax reporting purposes.
We may process Personal Data concerning health or allergies voluntarily provided by you or obtained through direct communication with our staff for the purpose of ensuring your safety and satisfaction during your stay.
Where we process any such allergen information, we will obtain your explicit consent to the processing at the point at which such information is collected.
Besides that, we use your contact information to send you information on our Products as a form of Direct Marketing.
Your email address might be added to a contact list of those who may receive email messages containing information of commercial or promotional nature as a result of signing up to this website or after booking our services.
The processing activity related to Direct Marketing is based on Legitimate Interest. You have the right, at all times, to object to the Processing of your Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing, without being required to state your reasons, and can do so by sending us a letter or emailing us at privacy@hpd-c.co.jp. The Processing of your Personal Data for the purpose of Direct Marketing is not required in order to conduct our contractual relationship.
We mainly process the Personal Data you provide us with.
We collect:
To achieve the objectives described above, it may be necessary to disclose your Personal Data to the following Recipients in certain cases.
We may disclose and transfer customer and consumer Personal Data to third parties, including to our contractors or service providers who provide services which are integrated into our Products or perform functions on our behalf.
The actual Recipients depend on the Products the Customer has signed up for.
Personal Data may be disclosed by being transferred, disseminated, or provided by other means to:
Recipient | Data Location | Basis for transfer to third party country | |
1 | Cloud Service Provider | US | Adequacy decision |
2 | Hospitality Software Provider | Japan | Adequacy decision |
3 | Vendors | Japan | Adequacy decision |
4 | Legal Consultants | Japan | Adequacy decision |
5 | Tax Accountant | Japan | Adequacy decision |
6 | Reservation System Provider | Japan | Adequacy decision |
7 | Travel Agencies | Japan | Adequacy decision |
8 | Tour Operators | Japan | Adequacy decision |
9 | Online Travel Agencies | Japan | Adequacy decision |
10 | Marketing Service Provider | Japan | Adequacy decision |
We retain all Personal Data necessary for tax purposes, especially contracts, invoices and other bookkeeping documents as well as relevant correspondence related to our contractual relationship, for a period as required by corresponding laws to comply with legal obligations or upon order of an authority.
Furthermore, we may be allowed to retain Personal Data whenever you have given consent to such processing (e.g. subscription to our newsletter), as long as such consent is not withdrawn.
Purpose | Legal Basis | Recipients |
Contract | Contract Performance | 1-3, 6-9 |
Direct Marketing | Legitimate Interest | 10 |
Newsletter subscription | Consent | 10 |
Debt collection | Legal Obligation | 4-5 |
Tax and legal obligation | Legal Obligation | 4-5 |
※Please refer to the recipient section in the previous item for information regarding the recipient.
When you contact us to inquire about our products and/or services, we process the Personal Data you include in such a message or in emails and process such inquiry prior to a booking being made. Such processing is necessary in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you and our legal basis for processing such data is Contract Performance. Contract Performance is also the purpose of any processing of your personal data when you decide to make a reservation with us or book a service.
We mainly process the Personal Data you provide to us during as part of your inquiry and any pre-contractual discussions we have with you prior to you making a booking.
We collect:
Personal Data collected for purposes related to Contract Performance shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed.
Purpose | Legal Basis | Recipients |
Communication with you | Contract Performance | - |
Your Personal Data is processed, first and foremost, for the purpose of Contract Performance regarding Renaissance Okinawa and services.
Products. The purpose of processing your Personal Data is the performance of our legal relationship.
We mainly process the Personal Data you provide us with.
We collect:
To achieve these desired objectives, it may be necessary to disclose your Personal Data to the following Recipients in certain cases. This includes platforms regarding the support of our dealer network to collect dealer contact info and user data for purposes of servicing the account. Personal Data may be disclosed by being transferred, disseminated, or provided by other means to:
Recipient | Registered Office (Country) | Basis for transfer to third party country | |
1 | Tax accountant | Japan | Adequacy decision |
2 | Legal consultants | Japan | Adequacy decision |
We retain all Personal Data necessary for tax purposes, especially contracts, invoices and other bookkeeping documents as well as relevant correspondence related to our contractual relationship, for a period as required by corresponding laws to comply with legal obligations or upon order of an authority.
Purpose | Legal Basis | Recipients |
Cooperation | Contract Performance | 1 |
Debt collection | Legal Obligation | 2 |
Invoicing | Legal Obligation | 1 |
※Please refer to the recipient section in the previous item regarding the data recipient.
We process your Personal Data either
Your Personal Data are processed for the purpose of completing the application process.
not provide us with your Personal Data, we cannot process your application.
We mainly process the Personal Data you provide us with.
Nevertheless, in individual cases, we may also obtain Personal Data from other sources. These other sources are publicly available, such as job portals or recruiting platforms.
We collect:
The Personal Data of applicants who are not hired will be erased after the closure of the application.
If the applicant consents to their Personal Data being kept on file for future consideration, we do not delete such Personal Data.
Purpose | Legal Basis | Recipients |
Application | Contract Performance | - |
We handle Personal Data only as permitted by data protection regulations. We use a variety of technical and organizational measures to help protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, loss or destruction in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
When handling Personal Data, our employees are obliged to comply with the regulations of the GDPR.
GDPR and other applicable data protection laws protect certain rights for Data Subjects. In particular:
The period for handling a request is 30 days unless it is a particularly complex request.
Once the retention period expires, Personal Data shall be deleted. Therefore, the right to access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification and the right to data portability cannot be enforced after expiration of the retention period.
Our services are not intended for and may not permissibly be used by individuals under the age of 13. Renaissance Okinawa does not knowingly collect personal data from persons under 13.
We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, so it is always in compliance with the current legal requirements or to implement changes to services in the Privacy Policy, e.g., when introducing new services.
In this case, your future visits to our website will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy.
If you have additional questions regarding the processing of your Personal Data, please feel free to contact us directly,
either by email at privacy@hpd-c.co.jp or via mail to Renaissance Okinawa, 3425-2, Yamada, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, 904-0416, Japan.
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, the ways in which we collect and use your Personal Data, your choices and rights regarding such use please do not hesitate to contact us:
Website: https://renaissance-okinawa.com/
E-mail: privacy@hpd-c.co.jp
Postal Address: 3425-2, Yamada, Onna-son,
Okinawa, 904-0416, Japan.
We value your privacy and your rights as a data subject and have therefore appointed Prighter Group with its local partners as our privacy representative and your point of contact for the following regions:
Prighter gives you an easy way to exercise your privacy-related rights (e.g. requests to access or erase personal data). If you want to contact us via our representative, Prighter or make use of your data subject rights, please visit the following website:https://prighter.com/q/13459491887
ADM | means Automated decision-making; |
Consent of the Data Subject | means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the Data Subject's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the Processing of Personal Data relating to him or her; |
Contract Performance | means concluding, maintaining, and completing of a contract concluded between the Controller and a Data Subject, including Processing activities which take place at the request of the Data Subject before entering into a contractual relation; |
Controller | means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data; where the purposes and means of such Processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the Controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law; |
Data Subject | is any natural person whose Personal Data is being collected, held or processed. Examples of a Data Subject can be an individual, a customer, a prospect, an employee, a contact person, etc; |
Direct Marketing | means personal data processed to communicate a marketing or advertising message. This definition includes messages from commercial organisations, as well as from charities and political organisations; |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) |
is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA); Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/679/oj |
Legitimate Interest | means the Controller’s interest to process Personal Data in order to carry out tasks related to the Controller‘s business activities. The processing of Personal Data in that context may not necessarily be justified by a legal obligation or carried out to execute the terms of a contract with a Data Subject; |
Personal Data | means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('Data Subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. |
Processing | means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction; |
Recipient | means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the Personal Data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with Union or Member State law shall not be regarded as Recipients; the Processing of those Personal Data by those public authorities shall be in compliance with the applicable data protection rules according to the purposes of the Processing; |